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BETHESDA, MARYLAND – April 29, 1999 – Chindex International, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHDX) (U.S.-China Industrial Exchange, Inc.), the leading independent American company providing Western healthcare products distribution and medical services in the People's Republic of China, announced that it was pleased to see the increase in it's stock price.

"We are hopeful that this is the beginning of the market recognizing the true underlying value of our Company," Roberta Lipson, President and CEO said in Beijing.

Lipson continued: "We have long felt that the market has significantly undervalued our Company. We have been trading at well below book value for some time now. Thus far in 1999, we have released news about the excellent prospects we see for the future of the Company, both near and long term."

"Our fourth quarter 1998 results were very strong, showing marked improvement over the prior year. We are expecting a profitable first quarter of 1999 as we delivered the majority of our $14 million trade program guaranteed by the U.S. Export Import Bank in early 1999. These results are due to be released in mid-May."

"We have already signed a Letter of Intent for our next loan program to be guaranteed by the Export-Import Bank which will be for the export of up to $30 million of U.S. medical equipment."

"Our revenue diversification growth programs are performing very well. Our flagship private hospital, Beijing United Family Hospital, contributed materially to our consolidated revenue in 1998, its first year of operation. It recently opened its first satellite clinic and future expansion plans are underway. Our consumable healthcare products distribution business is growing rapidly into the hospital, retail pharmacy and third party logistics markets."

"The indicators throughout our Company are extremely positive. We will have major new relationships to announce this year in the healthcare products segment of the business. In addition the overall economic trends in Asia are showing signs of recovery. The business climate in China in particular is very positive. The recent visit of Premier Zhu Rongji to America and the ongoing WTO discussions both serve to bolster the trade relationship between the U.S. and China," Lipson concluded.


The statements in this press release that relate to future plans, events or performance are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including risks associated with uncertainties pertaining to customer orders, demand for products and services, receipt of financing and guarantee commitments, development of markets for the Company’s products and services and other risks identified in the Company’s SEC filings. Actual results, events and performance may differ materially. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to release publicly the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


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