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• April 23, 2008; Chindex International, Inc. to Present at China Investment Conferences in New York City -- May 20, 21, 22; Conferences Presented By Brean Murray, Carret & Co., Oppenhiemer & Co. and Citigroup
• April 2, 2008; Chindex International Announces the Opening of Wuxi United Family Healthcare Center
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Corporate Overview

We are very proud of the accomplishments made in 25 years of operations at Chindex. In that time we have seen the company grow from two people to over 900; from our first sale of diagnostic medical instruments at a hospital in Beijing to a nationwide distribution company serving over 2,000 institutions; from a small, private company to a $91 million public healthcare concern with multiple business platforms. In these 25 years we have succeeded where many others have not. The name "Chindex" in China is a nationally recognized brand in healthcare.

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