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• August 7, 2007; CHINDEX INTERNATIONAL ANNOUNCES DA VINCI® S" SYSTEM CONTRACT IN HONG KONG; Queen Mary Hospital will be Chindexs Fourth Intuitive Surgical Installation in Greater China
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BETHESDA, MD, (October 5, 2004) -- Candela Corporation (NASDAQ: CLZR), a pioneer in the development and commercialization of aesthetic laser systems, and Chindex International, Inc. (NASDAQ: CHDX), a leading independent American provider of western healthcare products and services in the People's Republic of China, jointly announced today an exclusive, multi-year distribution agreement for the People's Republic of China, including Hong Kong.


Under the terms of the agreement, Chindex will market and distribute the extensive Candela product line of aesthetic laser systems to dermatologists, plastic surgeons, family practitioners, OB/GYNs, and general and vascular surgeons throughout the healthcare industry in China .  The Candela products offer technologies for hair removal, wrinkle reduction, the treatment of vascular and pigmented lesions, tattoos, acne, and atrophic acne scars.


Chindex President and CEO, Roberta Lipson, said that the emerging market for aesthetic laser treatment in China is very significant.  "In the quickly growing economies of the urban cities in China, the business of aesthetic health technologies is growing rapidly.   This is a technology which will command a broad and expanding market in China ."


"We believe Candela and Chindex will make a great team." Lipson said.  "We have already had a Candela Laser Clinic and Training Center at our company's Beijing United Family Hospital for the past year.   The Center treats patients of the hospital, as well as trains new and potential customers of Candela in China . Both patient and market reaction have been very impressive.  This highlights the synergistic qualities between the products and healthcare services divisions of Chindex, as well as our strong basis for confidence in future laser sales."

Candela President and CEO, Gerard E. Puorro, said: "Strategically, Chindex is the right partner at the right time.  They possess strong distribution skills in China in both capital equipment and cosmetics.  Together we look forward to expanding the Chinese market for laser cosmetics and aesthetics."


About Chindex International, Inc.

Chindex is an American company operating in several healthcare sectors of the Chinese marketplace, including Hong Kong .  It provides representative and distribution services to a number of major multinational companies including Siemens AG (ultrasound systems), and Guidant (interventional cardiology products including stents, balloon catheters and guide wires). Its distribution channels to the retail pharmacy industry in China have been developed through a relationship with a major multinational cosmetics manufacturer.  It also provides healthcare services through the operations of its private hospital corporation in China . With twent-(three years of experience, over 700 employees, and operations in the United States , China and Hong Kong , the Company's strategy is to expand its cross-cultural reach by providing leading edge technologies, quality products and services to Greater China's professional communities.   Further company information may be found at the Company's websites, and .


About Candela :

Candela Corporation, an ISO-9001 certified company, develops, manufactures, and distributes innovative clinical solutions that enable physicians, surgeons, and personal care practitioners to treat selected cosmetic and medical conditions using lasers, aesthetic laser systems, and other advanced technologies.  Founded near Boston in 1970, the company markets and services its products in over 64 countries from offices in the United States , Europe , Japan and other Asian locations.   Candela established the aesthetic laser market 15 years ago, and currently has an installed base of over 7,000 lasers worldwide.  Candela is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer (Male/Female/Handicapped/Veteran). Visit Candela on the Web at .


The statements in this press release that relate to future plans, events or performance are forward(looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including risks associated with uncertainties pertaining to the Company's (i) successful marketing and distribution of new products, including aesthetic laser systems, (ii) performance goals, including successful conclusion of efforts to secure government-backed financing, (iii) future events and earnings, including revenues from the Company's developmental businesses such as healthcare services, (iv) markets, including growth in demand in China for the Company's products and services, and (v) proposed new operations, including expansion of its healthcare services business.  Actual results, events and performance may differ materially.  Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forwar-(looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof.  The Company undertakes no obligation to release publicly the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


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